We Are Heading To The Liberty Square!
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]When I walk through the doors of our new office on the Square in Liberty, I see things from my past and memories of my family. My mom grew up just off the Square. My grandma used to walk us around the Square when I was a kid. I grew up going to football games, watching the homecoming parade around the Square. My dad even worked at a pharmacy on the Square just a couple of doors down from our new office. I really love this area of town.
Our first office was in Liberty. And when we ended up moving to the Kansas City side, we still really wanted to find a way to be a part of the Liberty community. It just felt like a good place to be, because of all the fond memories I had there. I grew up here, and it will always be a part of me.
That’s why when we started looking for a new location, the Square really stood out. We’re always looking to make things convenient for patients. That’s what we’re all about! It is so surreal to have a business on the square, and we can’t wait to see how it helps us support Liberty and all the local businesses next to us. We’re looking forward to being a part of everything that goes on up here.
Our Liberty Square office is currently open three days a month. Check out our other awesome location in Kansas City for more appointment times.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row bg_type=”no_bg” seperator_1=”” ts_row_bg_effects=”” ts_row_screen_height=”false” ts_row_screen_offset=”0″ ts_row_min_height=”100″ ts_row_break_parents=”0″ ts_row_zindex=”0″ ts_row_bg_image=”” ts_row_bg_source=”full” ts_row_bg_position=”center” ts_row_bg_position_custom=”” ts_row_bg_size_standard=”cover” ts_row_bg_size_parallax=”cover” ts_row_bg_repeat=”no-repeat” ts_row_parallax_type=”up” ts_row_bg_alignment_v=”center” ts_row_bg_alignment_h=”center” ts_row_parallax_speed=”20″ ts_row_automove_speed=”75″ ts_row_automove_scroll=”true” ts_row_automove_align=”horizontal” ts_row_automove_path_h=”leftright” ts_row_automove_path_v=”topbottom” ts_row_movement_x_allow=”true” ts_row_movement_x_ratio=”10″ ts_row_movement_y_allow=”true” ts_row_movement_y_ratio=”10″ ts_row_movement_content=”true” seperator_5=”” padding_top=”30″ padding_bottom=”30″ margin_left=”0″ margin_right=”0″ single_color=”#ffffff” gradient_angle=”0″ gradient_color_start=”#cccccc” gradient_start_offset=”0″ gradient_color_end=”#cccccc” gradient_end_offset=”100″ video_youtube=”” video_mp4=”” video_ogv=”” video_webm=”” video_image=”” video_mute=”true” video_loop=”false” video_remove=”false” video_start=”false” video_stop=”true” video_controls=”true” video_raster=”false” seperator_8=”” svg_top_on=”false” svg_top_style=”1″ svg_top_height=”100″ svg_top_flip=”false” svg_top_position=”0″ svg_top_color1=”#ffffff” svg_top_color2=”#ededed” seperator_9=”” svg_bottom_on=”false” svg_bottom_style=”1″ svg_bottom_height=”100″ svg_bottom_flip=”false” svg_bottom_position=”0″ svg_bottom_color1=”#ffffff” svg_bottom_color2=”#ededed” seperator_10=”” ts_row_raster_use=”false” ts_row_raster_type=”” ts_row_overlay_use=”false” ts_row_overlay_color=”rgba(30,115,190,0.25)” ts_row_blur_strength=”” seperator_11=”” animation_view=”” css3animations_in=”” animation_scroll=”false” animation_speed=”2000″ el_file1=”” el_file2=””][vc_column][rd_images_gallery images=”3182″ size=”large”][/vc_column][/vc_row]