Kanning Features Artwork by Roger Ridpath


We are thrilled to announce our new art installation featuring Roger Ridpath! 

Come check out our latest featured artist at Kanning Orthodontics!

Kanning Orthodontics is thrilled to announce our newest art installation featuring work by the incredible Roger Ridpath! We are a proud supporter of our local arts community and are a part of ArtsKC. We partner with ArtsKC to help support the arts community by providing public access to artwork, educating the public about art, and helping artists advance their work.

Our current artwork is original photography by KC local Roger Ridpath. Roger is an incredibly talented photographer, graphic designer, and web developer — and he also just happens to be the parent of one of our awesome patients.

We thought we’d ask Roger a few questions, so you can get to know the artist behind these stunning photos. Be sure to check out his work next time you visit our office!

When did you “become” an artist?

I’ve been an artist for as long as I can remember. I remember being very young and making small drawings and cutting paper. I received my first camera, a hand-me-down, when I was 8 or 9. I taught myself how to develop and print photographs by the time I was 14 — and then I was hooked.

Have you won awards or been featured somewhere special?

I have won several awards and contests, but I am particularly proud of my Kansas City Photography coffee table book, Kansas City: A Photographic Portrait. Every image was photographed by me. It was a challenge and a great learning experience about photography and Kansas City.

What is your favorite medium?

I am a trained graphic designer, and I do like to design and draw. But photography is a thing I do when I immerse myself, lose track of time, and just enjoy it.

What inspires you?

Sometimes, color combinations get my attention, and I want to understand why they seem so appealing. Other times, it’s tiny details or lines and shapes. I also really enjoy shooting portraits and have done many event photo shoots. But never a wedding — I don’t ever want to disappoint a bride.

What situation has inspired you artistically?

I get very excited about light when it’s perfect. I really get energized when the sun is at that point in the day they call the “golden hour” (an hour before sunset and an hour after sunrise). Of course, you have to be in the right place. The sun sets every day, but not every sunset is fantastic.

What does your artwork represent?

I think every creative thing I do has a job. My paid graphic design work completes an assignment for my clients. My Kansas City Illuminated Series No. 1 currently on display in your office has a job. It shows the treasures of Kansas City in a brilliant, colorful way.

Is there a piece that makes you particularly proud?

Summer Glow Scout, which is hanging in your office, is special to me for a few reasons. First, it appears on the cover of my book. Second, I think it is an iconic image of Kansas City. I’m not the first, nor will I be the last to shoot a photograph from that location. Getting the right shot requires several trips to that area. As I said, there are those times of day and times of the year when the light feels special. I wanted to capture that in an image that would bring back that feeling every time you viewed it.

What advice do you have for other artists?

Among people that know me well, I am thought of as persistent. I have my personal opinions, but I would never tell anyone they can’t be an artist or their work is terrible. It takes experience to get good at anything. So, if you want it, be persistent.

Is there anything about you or your art you would like us to know?

The images in the Kanning Orthodontics office represent some of my very best work. That said, I feel like that is only one dimension of my creativity. I plan to bring new work to fruition, and it will have a completely different goal.

To see more of Roger’s artwork, you can visit his website or check out his Instagram or Facebook pages.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row bg_type=”no_bg” seperator_1=”” ts_row_bg_effects=”” ts_row_screen_height=”false” ts_row_screen_offset=”0″ ts_row_min_height=”100″ ts_row_break_parents=”0″ ts_row_zindex=”0″ ts_row_bg_image=”” ts_row_bg_source=”full” ts_row_bg_position=”center” ts_row_bg_position_custom=”” ts_row_bg_size_standard=”cover” ts_row_bg_size_parallax=”cover” ts_row_bg_repeat=”no-repeat” ts_row_parallax_type=”up” ts_row_bg_alignment_v=”center” ts_row_bg_alignment_h=”center” ts_row_parallax_speed=”20″ ts_row_automove_speed=”75″ ts_row_automove_scroll=”true” ts_row_automove_align=”horizontal” ts_row_automove_path_h=”leftright” ts_row_automove_path_v=”topbottom” ts_row_movement_x_allow=”true” ts_row_movement_x_ratio=”10″ ts_row_movement_y_allow=”true” ts_row_movement_y_ratio=”10″ ts_row_movement_content=”true” seperator_5=”” padding_top=”30″ padding_bottom=”30″ margin_left=”0″ margin_right=”0″ single_color=”#ffffff” gradient_angle=”0″ gradient_color_start=”#cccccc” gradient_start_offset=”0″ gradient_color_end=”#cccccc” gradient_end_offset=”100″ video_youtube=”” video_mp4=”” video_ogv=”” video_webm=”” video_image=”” video_mute=”true” video_loop=”false” video_remove=”false” video_start=”false” video_stop=”true” video_controls=”true” video_raster=”false” seperator_8=”” svg_top_on=”false” svg_top_style=”1″ svg_top_height=”100″ svg_top_flip=”false” svg_top_position=”0″ svg_top_color1=”#ffffff” svg_top_color2=”#ededed” seperator_9=”” svg_bottom_on=”false” svg_bottom_style=”1″ svg_bottom_height=”100″ svg_bottom_flip=”false” svg_bottom_position=”0″ svg_bottom_color1=”#ffffff” svg_bottom_color2=”#ededed” seperator_10=”” ts_row_raster_use=”false” ts_row_raster_type=”” ts_row_overlay_use=”false” ts_row_overlay_color=”rgba(30,115,190,0.25)” ts_row_blur_strength=”” seperator_11=”” animation_view=”” css3animations_in=”” animation_scroll=”false” animation_speed=”2000″ el_file1=”” el_file2=””][vc_column][rd_images_gallery images=”4006,4005,4002,4004,4007,4008,4003″ size=”400×400″ column=”ig_col_4″][/vc_column][/vc_row]