We want to help you out with a list of some of our favorite ideas for “the great COVID-19 grinds life to a halt” 2020 event!
Here are 7 fun activities you can do with your kids (or without them)
#1 Online tour of the Louvre.
Show your kids what the Mona Lisa looks like. Or anyone of a number of famous works of art. The Louvre has a free online virtual tour you can use to get some culture not found in a petri dish. You can use your favorite search engine to discover other art museums doing the same thing.
#2 Do some art lessons
If the art museum tour offered a stroke of inspiration, you and your kids can try out some guided art lessons that include the very non-messy art of origami. Then you can take pictures of them and post them on your favorite social media platform to inspire others to do the same!
#3 Explore Mars with NASA’s Curiosity rover.
Tired of the mess here on Earth? Check out this interactive site which will let you and your kids do a little Martian exploration thanks to the thousands of pictures the Curiosity rover has taken on the surface of Mars. Let the kids ask questions and then search for the answers online. First up, why is Mars named Mars? Why is Mars red?
#4 Learn about a country you’ve never learned about.
Find a map or a globe, close your eyes and put your finger on a country and then go to this site and learn fun facts about it. Learn about the culture, customs, and language of a new country. You could each choose a country and put on a short skit about the facts of that country as a presentation.
#5 Learn about the human body
You can use a site like this to teach your kids about their bones or, if they’re at the age they find stuff like this funny, their digestive system. No matter which system you choose, it’ll be informative and you might find stuff that will tickle their humerus.
#6 Get a pen pal.
It may be hard to believe, but pen pals are still a thing and it doesn’t necessarily mean email. One of the great experiences about getting a pen pal is seeing foreign postage and trying to understand the penmanship of someone from another culture. Check out this site and get started. It’ll help your child’s penmanship and teach them to be interested in other cultures.
#7 Learn about climate and weather.
Spending time looking out the window at clouds? Check out this site from NASA and learn all about the weather and stuff about the climate. Informative and fun!
Hopefully, these ideas will give rise to other ones as you try them out. Share them with your friends and see if they have others in response.
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