Getting to Know Dr. Parks


Dr. Danielle Parks here! It’s such a sweet feeling to be part of this amazing team, and I wanted to let you know a little bit more about me as I’m also in the process of getting to know you as well! 

I am 100% Missouri born-and-raised. I spent my summers raking hay John Deere style on a beef-cattle and row-crop farm, and I mostly remember growing up hanging clothes on the line and planting soybeans and corn with my family.

My elementary experience was of the small-town variety – the smallest town in Missouri, in fact! I graduated High School in 2007 from Penney High in Hamilton and loved softball, cheerleading, and FFA (Future Farmers of America!). By the time I went to the University of Missouri, I took my first steps into my identity in dental care as a member of the Pre-Dental Club, and I also graduated Summa Cum Laude (in 2011).

My Dental School experience was at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, where I graduated with honors, also as a member of Xi Psi Phi and Omicron Kappa Upsilon, in 2015. Then I moved on to my Orthodontics Residency at Texas A&M University of Baylor in Dallas! I loved the warm weather there but desperately missed my family and the Midwest. So when I graduated in 2018 and got to come back to Kansas City, it was coming home in a major way – finally getting to do what I love in the place I love!

Ever since I was small, I knew I wanted to be engaged in healthcare and was actually inspired by watching Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman repeatedly on VHS! Then in High School when I got braces, I fell in love with the atmosphere of the Orthodontic Office because it’s such a unique place. I love the ability to improve smiles and was hooked at the thought of doing it for the rest of my career.

When I’m not in the office, you’ll find me reading books, working out, traveling and spending time with my friends and family. I love new craft projects, organizing, cleaning, and trying new restaurants, and I need it to be clear that I know the deep meaning of a sweet tooth and definitely enjoy candy.

I’m so grateful to be here at Kanning Orthodontics and have really enjoyed this amazing team and getting to know all our patients through their beautiful smiles.

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