We are thrilled to announce our new art installation by Chelsea Klamm!
We hope you notice something different on our walls when you come into Kanning Orthodontics!
You may not know this about us, but we are a part of ArtsKC which is dedicated to supporting the arts in our community by providing public access to works of art, by educating people about art, and by helping artists advance their own work. It’s a pretty great organization and we are pleased to be a part of it.
So, when thinking about how we could be a part of advancing the arts in Kansas City, we thought about what we could do when a wonderful artist named Chelsea Klamm’s work caught our eye. Chelsea is a Kansas City abstract artist who is an acrylic artist who, in her own words, uses acrylics to “unite vibrant color with significant patterns.”
At Kanning Orthodontics, we love to work with and within our local community. Chelsea is a great example of a dedicated artist whose work we want to promote. Having her work on our walls brings some fresh air to our space. It’s great to have some bright colors to liven our office, and that they are abstract gives us and our patients something to think about.
We hope you’ll enjoy these pieces and learn a bit about what we’re doing in our community at the same time. Check out Chelsea’s website and see some of her other work![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row bg_type=”no_bg” seperator_1=”” ts_row_bg_effects=”” ts_row_screen_height=”false” ts_row_screen_offset=”0″ ts_row_min_height=”100″ ts_row_break_parents=”0″ ts_row_zindex=”0″ ts_row_bg_image=”” ts_row_bg_source=”full” ts_row_bg_position=”center” ts_row_bg_position_custom=”” ts_row_bg_size_standard=”cover” ts_row_bg_size_parallax=”cover” ts_row_bg_repeat=”no-repeat” ts_row_parallax_type=”up” ts_row_bg_alignment_v=”center” ts_row_bg_alignment_h=”center” ts_row_parallax_speed=”20″ ts_row_automove_speed=”75″ ts_row_automove_scroll=”true” ts_row_automove_align=”horizontal” ts_row_automove_path_h=”leftright” ts_row_automove_path_v=”topbottom” ts_row_movement_x_allow=”true” ts_row_movement_x_ratio=”10″ ts_row_movement_y_allow=”true” ts_row_movement_y_ratio=”10″ ts_row_movement_content=”true” seperator_5=”” padding_top=”30″ padding_bottom=”30″ margin_left=”0″ margin_right=”0″ single_color=”#ffffff” gradient_angle=”0″ gradient_color_start=”#cccccc” gradient_start_offset=”0″ gradient_color_end=”#cccccc” gradient_end_offset=”100″ video_youtube=”” video_mp4=”” video_ogv=”” video_webm=”” video_image=”” video_mute=”true” video_loop=”false” video_remove=”false” video_start=”false” video_stop=”true” video_controls=”true” video_raster=”false” seperator_8=”” svg_top_on=”false” svg_top_style=”1″ svg_top_height=”100″ svg_top_flip=”false” svg_top_position=”0″ svg_top_color1=”#ffffff” svg_top_color2=”#ededed” seperator_9=”” svg_bottom_on=”false” svg_bottom_style=”1″ svg_bottom_height=”100″ svg_bottom_flip=”false” svg_bottom_position=”0″ svg_bottom_color1=”#ffffff” svg_bottom_color2=”#ededed” seperator_10=”” ts_row_raster_use=”false” ts_row_raster_type=”” ts_row_overlay_use=”false” ts_row_overlay_color=”rgba(30,115,190,0.25)” ts_row_blur_strength=”” seperator_11=”” animation_view=”” css3animations_in=”” animation_scroll=”false” animation_speed=”2000″ el_file1=”” el_file2=””][vc_column][rd_images_gallery images=”2485,2480,2482″ size=”400×400″ column=”ig_col_3″][/vc_column][/vc_row]